Farmers need financial reassurance to support uptake of agroforestry

This article is part of our special report New terminologies in sustainable food systems.

In a clear nod to the strategic importance of agroforestry, the term has now cropped up in both the European Green Deal, the European Commission’s roadmap for making Europe the first climate neutral continent by 2050, and the EU’s flagship new food policy, the Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy.

“The  Commission will ensure that Strategic Plans are assessed against robust climate and environmental criteria. These plans should lead to the use of sustainable practices,  such as precision agriculture, organic farming, agro-ecology, agro-forestry and stricter animal welfare standards,” the communication on the Green Deal reads.

Likewise, the F2F strategy specifies that “new ‘eco-schemes’ will offer a major stream of funding to boost sustainable practices, including agroforestry.”

Farmers need financial reassurance to support uptake of agroforestry

Pascal Lenoir

Demande d’adhésion à la CCFI



Demande d’adhésion à la CCFI