CEPI : les statistiques estimées 2018

Preliminary Statistics 2018

Paper and board production stable and market pulp production up in 2018 compared to 2017


CEPI member countries’ paper and board production was stable in 2018, compared to the previous year, according to preliminary figures. Total production in 2018 reached 92.2 million tonnes. 2018 saw new capacities coming on stream but also closures. Combined with the upgrade of existing machines, this translated in a net capacity increase of 1.3 million tonnes.


The production stability observed in Europe contrasts with the reduced global paper and board production 0.6% in 2018 compared to 2017, to 417 million tonnes according to very first estimates. This reduction was mainly driven by China, whose production decreased by close to 4%. Paper and board production in Japan, South Korea and the United States has also declined, whilst production in Canada, Russia and several emerging countries (India, Indonesia and Mexico, for instance) increased.


Télécharger : les statistiques CEPI 2018 (2 pages)


Jean-Philippe Behr

Demande d’adhésion à la CCFI



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